Near-Miss Management Invited as Industry Thought Leader at AIChE Annual Meeting
August 10, 2018
Near-Miss Management’s Co-Founder, Dr. Ankur Pariyani, presented an invited talk at AIChE’s 110th Anniversary Celebration on maximizing uptime, efficiency, and safety of industrial operations through early risk detection. This special session was part of 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting to be held in Pittsburgh, PA.
Of the five speakers selected, Dr. Pariyani illustrated how new technologies were being utilized to extract insights from process data to improve plant productivity and boost a proactive operating culture.
Presentation Overview
Achieving zero incidents while maximizing process uptime and efficiency is a key vision for operating companies. An important building block towards this vision is establishment of a proactive risk mitigation culture, supported by effective systems and a strong management. Studies have shown that most of the incidents and unexpected process failures can be avoided if the operating teams get timely information about developing risks and take preventive actions early on. Thanks to recent breakthroughs in machine learning approaches, today there are systems that can sift through millions of data points generated daily by plants and point out meaningful and timely insight. This can help operating teams ascertain process issues that are hidden in the data, long before process variables reach critical levels. The presentation will discuss new initiatives as well as challenges of integrating them into the established systems, giving examples of workflows developed by plant operations to implement a proactive culture.
Time: Tuesday, October 30, 2018, 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Venue: David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA
About AIChE’s Special Anniversary Session
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) is a professional society of more than 53,000 chemical engineers in 110 countries. The first meeting of the AIChE was held in Pittsburgh PA, December 1908. The profession has seen dynamic and profound change in the 110 years since that inaugural meeting. This session will look at the future of chemical engineering through the eyes of thought leaders from industry, academia, and national laboratories.